Before using Quick Quote Designer See "Loading Quick Quote Designer"
Area surrounding by dashed background serves the purpose of a layout background where all data fields get added to. The view is made realizable in order to accommodate different layouts. The size of the view determines the size of the actual Quick Quote. To resize the view, click on one of the anchor black rectangles, drag them in or out, and drop them.
Quick Quote Designer provides a list of data fields that could be added to layouts through Data Fields window:
To add a data field to designer view, left-click on desired data field, drag it onto view, and drop it:
Once data field has been added to the view, it could be resized by clicking on one of the side anchors, and dragged to make the field bigger or smaller. To move the field, click inside the field, and drag it to desired position.
To remove quote fields from the view, right-click on desired field, and select Delete menu option:
To remove quote field using keyboard, select the field, and press Delete key.
To remove group of fields, left-click on view, drag rectangle around fields desired to be removed, and release the left mouse button. The same technique of selecting multiple fields will also work holding Ctrl button and clicking on each field. Right-clicking and selecting Delete menu option or pressing Delete key removes all selected fields from the view.
Properties window displays properties for selected view or quote fields, and also could be used to modify them.
To view properties for the view itself, click on any gray spot on the view:
To view properties for a field, click on the field and its properties will show up in Property window:
To save changes, click on File -> Save menu option:
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